Posted on Friday, December 1st, 2023 at 9:00 am    

Avoid Premises Liability Lawsuits During the Holidays

How do you avoid Utah premises liability lawsuits during the holidays? The holiday season is supposed to be merry and bright. Unfortunately, your Christmas cheer may be all used up if an accident occurs on your property over the holidays and you face a premises liability lawsuit.


The holiday season is a time of year when the risk of injury on someone else’s property or someone sustaining injuries on your property can be high. Weather and holiday decorations can increase the chances of an accident occurring on your property when you typically entertain more family and friends and expect more visitors or customers. What can you do to keep yourself and your guests safe?


At London Harker Injury Law, we want to help you protect your family and friends this holiday season. We have proactive tips to help you manage premises liability risks and ensure your property remains safe for family, friends, guests, and patrons.


What Is Premises Liability?


“Premises liability” is an umbrella phrase that describes legal claims that allow an injured person to hold a careless property owner responsible for their financial losses when an accident occurs on their property. All property owners have a duty to keep their land, home, and surrounding property reasonably safe and free from dangerous conditions for guests, customers, and visitors. 


A premises liability lawsuit can occur when an individual believes they can prove a careless property owner failed to address a safety hazard or should have reasonably known about a safety hazard on their property. They must also prove that because of that safety hazard, they suffered an accident that caused an injury that resulted in financial losses. A premises liability lawsuit aims to get a careless property owner or insurer to compensate an individual for medical expenses and other accident-related losses. 


How to Avoid Premises Liability Lawsuits During the Holidays 


Avoid Premises Liability Lawsuits During the Holidays

What can you do to avoid becoming another holiday statistic? There are proactive steps you can take now to ensure you and your guests have a happy and safe holiday season, free from accidents and premises liability lawsuits.


Maintain your lawn and property – Fall moving into winter can be a magical time of year. However, the changing of the seasons can also create unique safety hazards. Fallen leaves can become slick with rain or dew, creating a slipping hazard for guests or people trying to navigate the sidewalk. Always sweep the leaves from your property’s walkways. Repair cracks in your walkway, fill dangerous holes and take care of your space.


Be prepared for snow and ice – Weather forecasts are now more accurate than ever. When the weather turns bad, take the time to prepare for inclement weather and have snow shovels, ice melt, salt, or other snow-clearing tools on hand to clean and maintain your driveway, walkways, and sidewalks. Snow and ice can cause significant falls and devastating injuries. If you can’t maintain your property during winter weather, seek help from neighbors, family members, or a professional snow removal service.


Tis the season for lights – You don’t have to go all out decorating your home or business for the holiday season, but with it getting darker earlier in the day, adding lighting to walkways, stairs, and other common areas is a good idea. Inadequate lighting can lead to slip-and-fall accidents.


Use caution when decorating – Everyone loves a festive holiday display, but no one wants to be injured because of poorly erected decorations. Ensure you secure all decorations and displays to reduce the risk of falling objects. Always tuck in or cover loose cords when using holiday lights so they don’t threaten people taking in the sights. Additionally, always double-check your lights for loose wires and frayed cords. These can pose a significant fire risk to your family and friends.


Cover your pool – If you have a pool, make sure it is serviced and covered for the season. Exposed pools can harm guests and visitors, especially small children. Avoid adding decorations near the pool, which may be inviting to children and lead to a drowning accident.


Contact an Experienced Utah Personal Injury Lawyer for Help 


Has a careless property owner caused an accident that injured you? Are you a property owner facing a lawsuit from an injured friend or customer? The legal team at London Harker Injury Law can help you navigate the challenges of fighting a premises liability lawsuit over the holidays.


Call our Utah office today at 77CARCRASH to request a free consultation with one of our knowledgeable Utah personal injury lawyers

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