Posted on Saturday, June 15th, 2024 at 9:00 am    

Tips To Maximize Your Insurance Claim Image

The physical burden of an injury sustained in an accident is almost immediately accompanied by the financial pressure of dealing with lost wages and medical bills. If someone else caused your injury, you have the right to pursue the compensation you need to cover your losses from the at-fault party. One of your goals is to receive as much money as possible for your claim. But, how to get more money from insurance claim?

After an accident, maximizing your insurance claim means you’ll receive the compensation you deserve for your accident-related losses and injuries. There are effective strategies to help you get the most out of your insurance claim, and a lawyer knows what they are. The experienced Sandy and Provo personal injury lawyers at London Harker Injury Law have years of experience in pursuing maximum compensation for their clients.

Filing Your Insurance Claim

In most types of personal injury accidents, you will file an insurance claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company. You or your attorney will need to get copies of the policy so you can determine the policy limits. This will give you an indication of how much compensation you could pursue and ensure you receive a fair settlement offer.

To file an insurance claim, you will need to provide your theory of how the accident occurred and why it was their policyholder’s fault. Then, you will need to provide documentation of your injuries and losses. Thorough documentation is critical. Take detailed notes and photos of the damage and your injuries, and save all receipts for repairs and replacements. The insurer will want to see all your medical records so they can evaluate the extent and severity of your injuries.

If your claim includes the repair or replacement of personal property, obtain multiple estimates to ensure a fair range of the cost. A range of quotes can support your case and may result in a higher payout. This also aids in effective negotiation with the insurance adjuster.

What If I Was Injured in a Car Crash?

The insurance rules are slightly different if you’ve been hurt in a motor vehicle accident. Utah is a no-fault car insurance state. That means that everyone who registers a vehicle in Utah must purchase personal injury protection (PIP) coverage. If you’re injured in a car crash, you turn to your own PIP policy first for coverage of your medical bills and lost wages.

After you exhaust the limits of your PIP policy, you can file a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company.

What Compensation Could I Get in an Insurance Settlement?

Don’t know how to get more money from insurance claim? When someone else injures you, and you file a personal injury claim with their insurer, you can pursue compensation for a variety of losses associated with your injury. Those losses include:

What Does “Maximize Your Settlement” Mean?

What are some strategies to increase insurance payout? Unsure of how to get more money from insurance claim? Insurance companies will do their best to downplay the extent of your injuries and pay as little as they can. The goal of the claims adjuster is to keep as much money in the company’s pocket as possible. They are not looking out for you or your insurance coverage.

The first element in maximizing your settlement is to prove that you share no portion of fault for causing the accident. In Utah, you can still obtain compensation from the at-fault party if you played a part in causing the accident, but your share of compensation will be diminished in proportion to your share of fault. And if you were 50% or more at fault, you would be unable to obtain any compensation at all.

Don’t know how to ensure maximum compensation from insurance? That means you must do everything in your power to gather evidence that proves the other party was entirely at fault for your accident. Most people don’t know how to go about finding that evidence; a seasoned personal injury lawyer does.

The next element in maximizing your settlement is to be sure you include every sort of loss that resulted from your injuries. The hidden losses include future lost wages, future medical expenses, and the subjective losses that accompany the accident. Those intangible losses have value, so your claim should also account for your pain, the emotional impact of the accident, any loss of the pleasure you once took in your hobbies, and the impact your injury has had on your self-esteem and relationships.

These subjective losses are difficult to quantify, and they are another reason you should engage a personal injury lawyer. They have experience in assessing the financial value associated with these intangible losses.

Consider Getting Legal Assistance

Tips To Maximize Your Insurance Claim Image 2If you feel overwhelmed or uncertain about how to proceed, consult an attorney who handles personal injury cases. Insurance companies have teams of adjusters and attorneys working to protect their interests. Having a skilled attorney working for you levels the playing field and ensures your rights are protected.

Your lawyer can obtain the evidence you need to present a strong case, do their best to minimize any part you played in causing the accident, and accurately assess the value of your subjective losses.

Your lawyer is a skilled negotiator who will work hard to obtain the fair settlement you deserve. They’ll take into account your immediate losses as well as your future expenses. Your attorney can represent you in court and advocate for your rightful compensation if they cannot reach a fair settlement agreement.

Hiring an attorney can often result in a significantly higher settlement amount than you would achieve, for a contingency fee.

Contact a Utah Personal Injury Lawyer from London Harker Injury Law

Don’t know how to get more money from insurance claim? Handling the insurance claim process can be complex and time-consuming, especially if you’ve never done it before. By following these tips and strategies, you can maximize your insurance claim and work to obtain the compensation you deserve. The easiest way to go about that is to hire a Sandy and Provo personal injury lawyer.

Your goal should be to focus on restoring your health. Let our law firm and team of lawyers take on your case. They will work hard to maximize your claim so you can obtain the money you need to alleviate the financial burden caused by the accident. London Harker Injury Law offers a free consultation where you can learn more about how we can maximize your claim. Call our offices at 77CARCRASH or contact us online today. We are dedicated to holding negligent parties accountable and getting justice for our clients.

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