Posted on Thursday, December 7th, 2023 at 9:00 am    

The Most Dangerous Holidays

We tend to think of holidays as a time for celebration and happiness. Unfortunately, holidays can also be a time of intense loss and sadness. The most dangerous holidays of the year include an increased risk of accidents, significant injuries, and even death.

What are the most dangerous holidays? What steps can you take to protect your family and loved ones during the holidays? At London Harker Injury Law, we care about you and your family. We want to help you understand what makes some holidays so dangerous and what steps you can take to spare yourself and your loved ones heartache over the holidays.

The Most Dangerous Holidays for Traffic Accidents

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration warns people to stay sober over the holidays every year. Unfortunately, drunk driving accidents are still one of the leading, yet preventable, causes of holiday-related accidents and fatalities. NHTSA data shows that there is a spike in drunk driving-related crashes between the Christmas and New Year holidays, with the highest number of accidents occurring around New Year.

One source indicates drivers have a 117 percent higher-than-average risk of being involved in an accident with a drunk driver on New Year’s Day, making that holiday one of the most dangerous times to be on the road. The same publications also suggest that Thanksgiving is another dangerous holiday for drivers. Not only do you risk encountering drunk drivers on Utah roads, but long-distance travel can cause fatigue, drowsy driving, traffic congestion, and an increase in aggressive drivers. AA estimates about 55.4 million people traveled for the Thanksgiving holiday—nearly 89 percent of those people traveled by car. Added congestion and more drivers on the road increase the dangers to every road user.

Another dangerous holiday for motorists occurs in the middle of summer vacation. Independence Day is another hazardous holiday due to drunk driving. Data from the Utah Department of Public Safety indicates that the Fourth of July is one of the deadliest holidays in Utah for drunk driving accidents. Every year, the Utah Highway Patrol issues reminders to drivers to stay safe and stay sober on local roadways. Many areas also step up DUI patrols to catch impaired drivers before they cause an accident that changes someone’s life forever.

You can prevent drunk driving accidents this holiday season by preparing for festivities in advance. If you plan to enjoy eggnog and holiday cheer, designate a sober driver to get you home safely. You can also call a taxi or ridesharing service for a ride. In some areas, local businesses sponsor free ride home services for those who drink and can’t make it home. If plans change or you don’t have a sober driver, arrange to stay with family or friends for the night so you don’t have to drive.

The best way to keep yourself safe during the holidays is to avoid driving during peak holiday travel days and adjust your travel plans accordingly. Also, keep your attention on the road and look for common signs of impaired drivers:

  • Erratic driving or braking
  • Tailgating
  • Speeding or driving too slowly
  • Difficulty staying in their lane
  • Swerving in and out of lanes
  • Driving without lights on

Avoid engaging with these drivers and alert local law enforcement.

Keep Your Property Safe

The Most Dangerous Holidays

You may be ready to deck the halls but do it safely to avoid a premises liability claim. As a property owner, landlord, or homeowner, you have a duty to maintain a reasonably safe environment for your guests, customers, or patrons. Use caution when decorating this holiday season so you don’t create hazardous conditions for your friends and family.

If you are decorating or lighting the front of your house, tuck away or cover loose cords so they can’t trip your guests. As it gets darker earlier in the evening, use sufficient lighting to brighten paths and walkways so your guests can see where they are going and won’t trip and fall.

Finally, the weather can change in an instant. Be prepared with snow removal equipment, snow melt chemicals, or salt. Keep your sidewalks, walkways, and driveway free from snow and ice for your own safety and that of your guests, visitors, or customers.

When the Unthinkable Happens, Contact a Skilled Utah Personal Injury Attorney

At London Harker Injury Law, we know you don’t want to think about the unthinkable during the holidays. However, we want you to know that if an accident happens and a careless individual hurts you or a loved one, we are here to help you handle the situation.

Call our Utah office today at 77CARCRASH to discuss your situation and arrange a free case evaluation.

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