Posted on Thursday, November 30th, 2023 at 9:00 am    

What Car Accident Lawyers Do

If you have been hurt in a car accident in Utah caused by someone else, one of the first things people recommend is hiring an attorney. What do car accident lawyers do? Lawyers are experienced professionals whose priority is to protect your rights and pursue the compensation you deserve for the harm that was done to you.

Your lawyer has a variety of roles when you hire them to represent you after your car crash. Following is a short list of some of the tasks they’ll take on in their work for you.

Assessing Your Case

During a free, no-obligation consultation, a personal injury lawyer will review all aspects of the accident with you. In this consultation:

  • You get to know the attorney. It is paramount that you feel comfortable with your legal advocate and be able to work together toward a common goal.
  • You can ask questions. Throughout the legal process, you will have many questions, and having an attorney who does not provide answers may not be a good fit for you.
  • The attorney will review the information you can provide about your crash. If you have a copy of the police report, your lawyer will learn information about the crash and whether the officer issued any citations against the other drivers. In some cases, the police report also maps out the route of the collision and records witness statements. Likewise, if you bring any of your medical records, they will provide information about the extent of your injuries, the treatment you need, and your prognosis. 

During your initial meeting, your lawyer will evaluate the information you provide and advise you about your options for pursuing the compensation you need. They might be able to give you an idea of the value of your case and how long it will take to conclude.

Getting You the Medical Care You Need

When you’re injured in a crash, the first thing you need to do is get medical care. But what if you have no insurance and no medical provider will see you? Or what if your insurance won’t cover the medical care you need? What if your only insurance is your Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance, and you’ve used up your $3,000 policy benefit? Your lawyer has a wide range of resources. They can help set you up with a healthcare provider who will agree to wait to be paid until you obtain the compensation from your claim.

Investigating the Crash and Gathering Evidence

Your motor vehicle accident lawyer will investigate the accident to determine the identities of all potentially responsible parties. They’ll find out what insurance coverage those parties have and determine the best way to maximize the compensation you receive for your losses.

Your lawyer will gather evidence to support your claim. That evidence can include:

  • Photos of the crash site and the damaged vehicles
  • Video, CCTV, or dashcam footage of the accident taking place
  • Eyewitness statements about how the accident occurred
  • The police report, if you don’t have one already
  • Copies of your medical records
  • The at-fault driver’s cell phone records
  • The at-fault driver’s car’s black box data, if the car has a black box

Building a Strong Case and Writing a Demand Letter

Once your attorney has gathered all the pertinent data about the crash and the at-fault driver, they will build a case that supports your compensation claim. The more and better the evidence, the stronger your case. Part of building a case is assessing the value of your claim, including both tangible and intangible losses, like medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, pain and suffering, anxiety, loss of enjoyment of life, and more.

Your attorney will draft a demand letter specifying the accident’s nature, injuries, and losses. The demand letter will be accompanied by documentation of all the facts included in arriving at the value of your claim. It will identify the amount of money that would resolve the case.

Negotiating with the Insurance Company

After the demand letter is sent, your lawyer will negotiate with the insurer. Lowball offers are common since insurers do not want to pay if they can avoid it. Your attorney can provide the insurer with the specifics of the case that support the amount you’ve demanded. Your attorney will fight to get appropriate money to settle your claim.

Filing a Lawsuit on Your Behalf

Despite your lawyer’s efforts, the insurance company may not be willing to settle the case fairly. If so, your lawyer can file a lawsuit for the necessary money. In Utah, the law provides a four-year window from the date of the accident in which to file suit against the at-fault party. Your lawyer will keep track of this deadline so that you don’t miss it. If your lawsuit is filed after the deadline lapses, your case will be dismissed without a hearing.

Representing You in Court

What Car Accident Lawyers Do

Your attorney already constructed the framework of your case when they drafted the demand letter. Now, they’ll create an opening argument and trial strategy to make sure the judge or jury understands why you should receive the amount of compensation you claim. They will introduce documentation as evidence to support your claim. It may be necessary to bring in expert witnesses to testify about the way the crash occurred, about the injuries you suffered and their impact on your life, or about your potential lost income and life experiences if the injury was traumatic and life-changing. Your lawyer will strongly advocate for you and present a robust case demonstrating that the judge or jury should rule in your favor.

Call London Harker Injury Law as Soon as Possible After a Car Accident

The Utah car accident attorneys of London Harker Injury Law can help. We will use our extensive experience and resources to pursue the compensation you need to put your life back in order after you were injured in an accident because of someone else’s wrongdoing. Call us at 77CARCRASH and let us meet with you for a free consultation. Let us take on the work of handling your case while you focus on healing.

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