Dog Bite Lawyer in Provo

Dog Bite Lawyer in Provo

Dogs are man’s best friend. They are known to be fiercely loyal, loving, and faithful companions. However, dogs are creatures of instinct, and some animals have dangerous characteristics that make them a hazard to others, especially children. When pet owners fail to supervise, manage, or train their pets, the consequences can be life-changing. Dog bites and dog attacks can cause significant scarring, disfiguration, physical injuries, and life-threatening infections. What do you do when a dog attacks? You call the experienced Provo dog bite lawyers at London Harker Injury Law for help.

At London Harker Injury Law, we understand that you may be reluctant to seek help following a dog bite, especially if the animal belongs to a family member or friend. However, getting legal help on your side as soon as possible gives you the best chance of pursuing the money you and your family need to recover following a dog bite or attack.

Are you ready to discuss your legal options for pursuing compensation? Contact our Provo, Utah office online at 77CARCRASH to learn how a Provo personal injury attorney can help you and your family move forward from a dog bite incident. We offer a free initial legal consultation to help you get started.

London Harker Injury Law Provo Office

333 W 2230 N suite 321, Provo, UT 84604

(385) 393-1857
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Table Of Contents

    Are Dog Bites Common in Provo, Utah?

    Unfortunately, dog bites are common across the United States and in Utah, owing to the popularity of owning dogs. Local news reports indicate that between 2016 and 2021, the Utah Department of Health and Human Services recorded 8,000 emergency room visits for dog bite injuries. The Insurance Information Institute estimates that dog bite injuries cost homeowners’ insurance companies nearly $1.136 million in liability claims. The average cost per claim falls between $49,000 and $64,555.

    Common Causes of Dog Bites and Dog Attacks

    Dogs may be domesticated, but they are still animals with instincts and potentially unpredictable natures. Dogs can bite or attack for several reasons, such as being scared, being poorly trained, or because of improper or irresponsible breeding practices. Some of the most common causes of dog bites in the United States tend to include:

    • Fear
    • Anxiety
    • Injury or illness reaction
    • Territorial behavior
    • Food or resource-guarding behavior
    • Hunger
    • Aggression
    • Poor training
    • Irresponsible breeding practices (breeding for aggression or fighting)

    Unfortunately, even well-trained animals can lash out and bite when frightened, hurt, or sick. Dog owners have a responsibility to keep their pets leashed or away from aggravating circumstances when their animal is exhibiting signs of potentially problematic behavior to help prevent dog bites from happening in the first place. Pet owners should be particularly vigilant with their animals around children. Small children can inadvertently provoke a dog bite or attack by pulling or poking the dog and triggering a reaction.  

    Injuries Caused by Dog Bites

    Dogs are powerful animals capable of inflicting devastating damage and significant injuries. Dog bites can cause scarring, physical deformities, and catastrophic physical injuries that can take a significant amount of time and money to treat. Some of the most common injuries caused by dog bites and dog attacks can include:

    • Puncture wounds
    • Lacerations
    • Broken bones
    • Dislocations
    • Facial injuries
    • Eye injuries
    • Soft tissue damage
    • Nerve damage
    • Internal bleeding
    • Scrapes
    • Amputations

    Dog attacks can also lead to mental health conditions as well, including depression and anxiety. Some experiences can be so traumatic that they trigger post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental health issues. Physical and mental injuries are not the only things you need to worry about after a dog bite. A dog’s saliva can contain numerous bacteria capable of causing infection and serious illnesses. Some reports indicate nearly 15 to 20 percent of dog bite wounds eventually become infected. Other illnesses that can come from a dog bite include:

    • Rabies
    • Pasteurella
    • Capnocytophaga 
    • Tetanus
    • MRSA

    After a dog bite, seek medical attention immediately. You should also monitor the wound for signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, oozing, and an injury that becomes warm to the touch. If the animal is a stray or has no vaccine history, medical professionals can offer prophylactic measures to help prevent rabies in dog bite victims. Tragically, rabies is nearly 99 percent fatal by the time symptoms of the painful disease manifest.

    Are Some Dog Breeds More Likely to Bite or Attack than Others?

    No dog owner wants to believe their beloved pal can hurt a human being, especially a friend or family member. However, some dog breeds are more naturally inclined to bite and attack than others. Dogs have been bred for thousands of years. Humans have carefully honed certain animals’ unique abilities and characteristics to obtain dog breeds with specific and valuable genetic traits and characteristics. Border collies herd. They are incredibly intelligent, protective, and high-energy, so they can meet the demands of working with livestock on sprawling ranches and in rugged terrain. Other breeds excel at hunting or pointing, helping humans hunt and gather food.

    Unfortunately, some dog breeds are inherently more aggressive. Their traits were honed to kill other animals and to fight for sport. Breeds with these aggressive traits tend to be some of the most dangerous dog breeds prone to biting and attacking. Yes, any animal can bite, especially when provoked. However, some dogs have a stronger drive and instinct to attack than others. These dog breeds tend to include:   

    • Pitbulls
    • Rottweilers
    • Bulldogs
    • Bull Terriers
    • German Shepherds
    • Doberman Pinschers
    • Bullmastiffs
    • Siberian Huskies
    • Boxers

    In addition to a natural propensity to be more aggressive, many dogs were also bred to be physically strong. For example, pit bulls have been prized as fighting dogs because they are muscular, aggressive animals with powerful jaws capable of producing 235 to 260 pounds of bite force or psi per square inch.

    That is an incredible amount of force capable of causing catastrophic injuries. Chihuahuas, which can be aggressive, have small jaws and only have a bite force of about 50 to 60 psi. These dogs tend to bite and release, whereas fighting breeds bite and hold on, causing more significant and extensive tissue damage.

    Utah Dog Bite Laws

    Utah dog bite laws help hold careless pet owners responsible when their animal injures another person. Utah’s dog bite laws are based on strict liability. That means a dog owner is liable when their pet bites someone, even if the dog has never bitten someone before. Under strict liability, a dog owner assumes responsibility when their pet injures another person, even inadvertently, even if it’s because they were frightened or sick.

    However, there are exceptions to the strict liability rule. Dog owners are not liable for an injury when their dog injures or kills another pet or animal on the dog owner’s private property. Owners may also not be liable for injuries when a fence or another enclosure reasonably secures their dog, and someone enters the property without consent.

    Utah also has additional laws that protect police dogs when they bite someone while finding or arresting a suspect sought by law enforcement.

    Compensation Available for Provo Dog Bite Injuries

    a statue of a lady with scales and gavelDog bites can cause significant and expensive physical and mental injuries. Recovering compensation for a dog bite injury can be challenging, especially when the animal is a friend or loved one’s pet. You can avoid uncomfortable interactions by allowing an experienced Provo dog bite lawyer to pursue compensation for you. An attorney can review your situation, identify liable parties, and help you file a claim seeking compensation for the financial losses you deserve. A knowledgeable attorney can also accurately calculate the value of your claim and negotiate for maximum compensation to ensure you have the money you need to move forward with your life.

    The value of a dog bite claim can vary depending on the circumstances of the incident, who was at fault for the bite, and the severity of your injuries. An attorney can explain how the unique factors of your situation can impact compensation. However, in most cases, dog bite victims can pursue compensation for the following:

    If you need more information about how much your case is worth and what the best avenue for pursuing compensation is, discuss your situation with a skilled Provo dog bite lawyer today. A Provo dog bite attorney can assess the circumstances of your situation and outline your legal options for recovering money for your injuries, either through an insurance claim or a personal injury lawsuit.   

    Personal Injury Lawsuits: Process and Timelines

    Get Help Today from a Compassionate Provo Dog Bite Lawyer

    Dog bites can be traumatic events, physically, mentally, and financially. You may be unsure how to start the process of pursuing compensation for your injuries and whether your actions will lead to someone losing their beloved pet. At London Harker Injury Law, our compassionate team of Provo dog bite lawyers understand your concerns and want to work with you to resolve your claim and recover the money you need for your medical expenses and losses.

    Call our Provo office now at 77CARCRASH to set up a free legal consultation. Let us put your mind at ease and show you what we can do to help you and your family.


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